
Money is a tool of a generous life helping people grow closer to God and each other. We believe it is the duty of every believer to honor the Lord with the first fruits of all he has provided to us (Prov. 3:9). It's giving back what was his to begin with. All that we have, or hope to have, comes from Him. 

Copperfield Church, as faithful stewards of all the resources God gives us, is committed to operating 100% debt-free, giving 10% of our offerings to missions, and sharing whatever else we can with other churches and our community.  

The church accepts and honors donor-restricted gifts to the extent there is a need; however, the church may elect to redirect funds where a greater ministry need exists.

Click the button below and give online.

Online Giving

Why Should We Give?

Your faithful giving supports the work of Copperfield in sharing the life-changing message of Jesus through missions, community outreach, care and support, church planting and discipleship.

  1. Every believer should prayerfully consider the biblical guideline of the tithe (10 percent of income) as a helpful starting point for learning how to give. (Genesis 14:18–20Malachi 3:8–10Matthew 23:23)
  2. Every believer can give biblically, regardless of income. The amount is not as important as the heart as one gives regularly, proportionally, generously, sacrificially and cheerfully. (Matthew 6:211 Corinthians 16:1–22 Corinthians 9)
  3. Every believer has a responsibility to support his or her home church financially. (Malachi 3:8–101 Corinthians 9:7–121 Timothy 5:17–18)
  4. Every healthy church will go through seasons of sacrificial giving, above and beyond regular tithing, to provide for special needs and opportunities. (Exodus 35:4–36:7Acts 11:27-30)
Ways To Give

Give a one-time gift or schedule a recurring gift securely online via credit/debit card or directly through your bank account. Simply visit the link below, set up your giving schedule, and select the General Fund option.

Give Online

You can give via test message by texting an amount to the number 84321. (For example, to give $100 you would text, 100.) You’ll receive a text with a link to a page where you can choose Copperfield Church. You will also setup how you want to give either with credit/debit card or directly through your bank account. After that, every time you send a dollar amount to 84321, the donation will be made to Copperfield Church.

Cash or Check:
Mailing Information
You may mail gifts to our office at the address below:

Copperfield Church
Attn: Financial Office
8350 Hwy 6 N
Houston, TX 77095

In Person
You can drop your check/cash in the drop boxes by the doors or enclose in an envelope which can be found in the side pockets of the drop boxes.

Make checks payable to Copperfield Church. Unless otherwise indicated on the memo line, money will be deposited in the General Fund.

What Can I Give To?

General Fund: This is the fuel that drives everything we do in ministry at Copperfield Church. We encourage you to direct your major giving here.

Missions: Copperfield takes Jesus' command to reach out to people very seriously. We give to people and organizations locally, nationally and internationally. 

Copperfield also has the opportunity to give to specific ministries in the church as we work on projects to make ministry better.


Online Giving Tutorial

Online Giving Tutorial