A Message From the Pastor Search Committee:
As Copperfield Church searches for a new pastor, our committee solicits your prayers. The average search takes around 12-18 months and as a committee, we would like to help the congregation both understand the process and communicate clearly where we are in the search. The process involves several phases:
This web page will be available to keep you informed of where we are in this process. The most current information will be found on this page. We also plan to share monthly updates in the services on Sundays.
As a congregation, you can continue to pray for our team members and the process. Our primary purpose is to glorify God through the search and to bring the right pastor to serve our church. We ask also that you continue to "be the church" with your continued willingness to attend, serve, and give you tithes and offerings with humble hearts as we continue to fill our homes with the hope of Jesus.
The pastor search committee recommends the book "The Church During the Search" by Jason Lowe as a way of understanding and supporting the search process.
* We are now accepting applications for our Lead Pastor position. If you would like to be considered for this position you can submit your application by clicking the button lower on the page.