Worship Arts

Here are resources for members and trainees of our Worship Teams. If you do not already have a login to one of the sites that we subscribe to please email

Thank you for wanting to further your talents and grow as a team!

Worship Arts Volunteer Application

Click the links below:

Production Training



Band & Production Links

Tracks -- https://www.multitracks.com/

Service Flow/Scheduling/Rehearsal -- https://services.planningcenteronline.com

Band Tutorials

Band Training Videos -- https://theworshipinitiative.com

Rehearsal Tracks -- https://www.multitracks.com

Guitar and Keyboard Patch Resources

Kemper/Keyboard Patches -- https://www.multitracks.com

Strymon Presets -- https://thechurchcollective.com/resources/timeline-presets/

Strymon Presets -- https://guitarforhisglory.com/product/strymon-big-sky-presets-artist-and-general/

Kemper/Line 6 Presets -- https://tonejunkiestore.com